Origin Stories Project (aka SuperPower Videos)
Few things are more powerful than a personal story — especially one that reframes a cliche, stereotype or tired trope and transforms it into a story of hope, healing and resiliency.
Inspired and initiated by CAMHS board member Dimitri McKay, Origin Stories (aka Super Power Videos) are short, 2-to 4-minute videos of why someone’s mental health or neurodivergent condition is their “superpower” or a source of strength for the person experiencing it.
Reframe a mental health or neurodivergent condition to help others not experiencing that condition see it in a new light or change their negative perception about it. Among other things, we aim to upend negative cliches and stereotypes about these conditions, ultimately destigmatizing them and creating a platform for shared experiences and connection. While we will not minimize people’s struggles, we will highlight and elevate some of their unique gifts, abilities and characteristics that might be possible as a result of their mental health or neurodivergent condition.
Participants will submit a short video (two to four minutes) discussing their mental health condition, some of the challenges that they’ve experienced because of it and why it’s ultimately a super power in their lives. CAMHS team will edit for length and clarity. No videos will be published without the participant’s permission.
Sample script: COMING SOON
Create a platform for shared experiences with numerous voices and perspectives. Ideally, we hope to share dozens of mental health and neurodivergent stories, from a wide variety of perspectives in a diverse range of communities.
Registration form to submit a video coming soon.